The best tips and tricks for decorating your new home

The construction team calls to let you know that your home has been successfully renovated, and as over the moon as you are, you thought you had more time for the interior design! You have some images in your head about what you want to do, however there are doubts. Will it work? Will it make the space feel too small? What colour scheme??

Here are some tips that we hope will help calm that stress and have the decorating of your home looking just as good as the renovations.

Lighter colours make spaces look more open! So if you have a corner or bathroom that needs opening up, be sure to decorate it with some lighter pieces. For example, a white hallway table with a pale coloured decorative piece would be perfect for that corner.

Speaking of light, it is magical what little it of extra light could do for your lounge room! And no, we don’t mean lamps. By adding a wall mirror to the room, you instantly bounce that natural light and find yourself in a lounge room with endless extra dimension and natural lighting.

You have unexpectedly come across a piece of art, or decorative piece that you simply can not live without. The only issue that it is so extravagant and eye catching, that you feel as though any room will feel cluttered or overwhelming as a result of having it there. This does not mean that you must part with this piece, simply make it the anchor to your selected room. If you choose to place the work in your dining room, by making the table and chairs a plain and neutral colour, then limiting any other decor, you have made your ‘Eureka’ piece the main feature of the room.

We hope that these tips and tricks have helped you in your journey to creating the most beautiful and perfect family home that you could ever imagine!